Lifewave PhotoTherapy and the science of Ayurveda use the same wisdom of the human body’s metabolic processes.

Using Ayurvedic understanding of the individual, I use Lifewave Phototherapy patches to enhance, heal and reset a person’s current physiological state and emotional well being to a more effective, efficient and stabilized level.

The method is to customize the use of different patches in accordance to the physiological needs of the body at any given time.

Find insights here on how to use these patches and read research that highlights it’s powerful benefits to understand them better. Email me questions you have on how to use them.

Why I believe in this.

My priority is helping address and go to the root cause of any client’s deeper underlying issues, physically, mentally, emotionally. I am amazed and humbled at how this phototherapy actually addresses the actual channel pathway that is the base and science of Ayurveda. We look at the body through seven channels and try to identify the interconnection of where all symptoms stem from one root. Thus all benefits from these patches are not based on suppressing a symptom of current issues but repairing and rejuvenating the whole channel pathway of that body’s metabolic processing in that pathway.

A simple example - if someone is suffering from skin issues, we see it as the blood channel that is congested, overheated and inflamed, but that metabolic dysfunction comes from the liver and how he/she’s channel pathway is not working as it should. Edema - retention of water under the skin is both a liver and a kidney issue that stems from the blood and lympathic channel being clogged where the digestive process that is governed by the liver is has been non efficient. The Y-Glutathione patch has been researched and proven to reduce acne, and the improvement of metabolic function of the liver and kidneys. The skin issue is only one of the symptoms. Weight retention, congestion, brain fog, the feeling of heaviness and depression are also the same symptoms of the same channel dysfunction and the symptoms vary from individual to individual.

Thus I have come to see how this phototherapy works correctly for the body in it’s natural repairing and rejuvenating ability.

How does it work?

Patches that use photonic wave resonance frequency to open up and activate dormant cells in the body to rejuvenate the body’s needs. Your body emits heat in the form of infrared light. The patches are designed to trap this infrared light when placed on the body, which causes them to reflect particular wavelengths of light depending on the patch.

This process stimulates the nerves on the surface of the skin, which in turn produces specific health benefits that are unique to each LifeWave patch.

For example how the Sun creates Vitamin D in the Body.

Patch is applied on the body for 12 hours in the morning. Keep it on only for 12 hours and then allow the body to recalibrate further for the remainder 12 hours while you sleep.

The overall protocol. After months of experiencing these patches myself and working with clients to understand how they work with each individual depending on their doshic constituition and imbalances, the protocol would be to use a set of patches for the first 2 months with 2-3 days break in between after 4 days of continous usage. By month 3, the patches are then used on alternate days and with different versions to address other areas of the body’s next level needs.

X-39 - Renewal of all cels in the body for total rejuvenation. It gives the body the activation to support it’s natural repair process. I find it calms and tonifies the nervous system first, gives inner strength and a light, centered grounding effect on the mind and body. When we look at all it's benefits from sleep improvement, memory improvement, balancing blood pressure, feelings of vitality, reduction of pain and inflammation, and an overall sense of well-being, wound healing from tissue regeneration, it actually is our Vata constituition being grounded and used effectively for us. Vata is the natural energy flow that governs circulation of all communication, nerves and neurotrophic flow downwards. This flow of the nervous system also governs the digestive system and the immune system. I cannot stress enough how important this is as a majority of all health issues stem from a dysregulated nervous system/component of Vata. This is the first foundational patch to use for overall total well being as it addresses the stability of the individual before addressing other areas.

Effect of 1 week usage research and the science behind the X39

X-49 - Increase mental and physical energy and ability. Mental cognition, conditions heart, supports dopamine and serotonin pathways, increases bone density that has been compromised and takes care of muscle tension. Supports fat loss when used with physical energy output and clean eating. Best when used in pairing with X-39. After starting with X-39, you can use X-49 as an addition to the protocol by 30%. Example - 3 days X39, 2 days X49, then break for 2 days.

Bone and muscle support in women research

Comparison X-39/X49

Y-Aeon - Uplifting, moving, moves stagnation be it liquid congestion or high tissue density. Used for inflammation. It's claimed  benefits is it calms the autonomic nervous system but I find X-39 far more effective for that across the board. Use this only if you need to move heaviness and stagnation in the body. You'll find yourself light, moving, flowing throughout the day especially when you have much to do. Ensure that you have received the benefits of some use of X39 or X49 for a time before using Aeon so that it’s high circulation effect does not increase your wind too fast and too much. Highly effective for those who feel heavy, stagnant and have inflammatory pain that is preventing mobility.

Effect of X39, X49 and Aeon Patches on Individuals with Osteoarthritis Research.

Y-Gluthathione- Increases the health of liver and kidneys. Neutralizes free radicals. Able to move and detoxify arthrities because it cleanses out the stagnation from the fire power of the liver and kidneys (reducing water stagnation in the joints) Highly beneficial for skin issues ( fire accumulation), edema ( water stagnation), congestion in body which needs to be flowing, circulating and lightened. In Ayurveda, we go to the root cause of the liver efficiency for all stagnations in the body. Clarity and sharpness in the mind and ability to move with action is another benefit when the liver is tonified and supported. Less heaviness and more ability to get up and be motivated when the kidneys are balanced. Beneficial for those with weight retention or long term alcohol usage as we need to tonify, clean, repair to make effective the digestive system and the filtering system of all that comes into the body.

This Y-Glutathione patch caused a significant improvement in cellular physiologic functional status of pancreas, liver, gall bladder, intestines, adrenals, hypothalamus and pituitary gland with a statistical power > 91%. Also acne decrease. Read research

Y-Carsonine - Improves the physiologic functional status of the pancreas, liver, right kidney, left and right adrenals, hypothalamus, pituitary and thyroid glands. Effectiveness proven with wearing of the patch on alternate days for two weeks significantly improves cellular physiologic functional status in different organs. Highly beneficial for an individual especially those older that have gone through sickness and surgery.

Cellular function improvement research

Restoring mental decline and reduced stress

Alavida - used for skin health, but it actually activates the Pineal Gland, and therefore conditions the endocrine system for hormonal balance. I find this pleasing to use to be able to sit into one self, enjoy going to bed and waking up more refreshed. Especially beneficial to those who are depleted from lack of sleep. For those who have natural Kapha in their constituition, this may be too heavy for you.

Improvement in the physiologic functional status of the frontal lobes, hypothalamus, adrenals, thyroid gland, pituitary gland

All other further research, access here.